Thursday, June 26, 2014

Entry 1- A new start

Dear Journal,
                          First entry and I'm sad enough. I made this to tell my problems to people without them knowing who I really am. I wouldn't like anyone to bombard (that's a word, right?) me with questions the next day when I go to school. I don't ask for views and attention. I just want to tell my problems and see if some people could relate.
                          Today, I was really depressed. Let me tell you a quick summary of what's happening. I know that my crush knows that I used to like him. I don't trust people now except my best friends. Back to the story! I was waiting for my uncle to pick me up from school when I felt people watching me. I turned to see that my used-to-be crush was pointing in my direction and whispering something in his friend's ear. I looked closely to see he was laughing. I tried looking around to see that there was nothing to laugh about. I set the thought aside and decided to think about it later. 10 minutes have passed, my uncle wasn't here yet.
I turned back and saw them again. This time with more people including the most ignorant girl of the batch. He was pointing in my direction, and they were laughing again. I debated with myself if it was really a good idea to not trust the batch. I came to a decision that I wouldn't trust them anymore. I know I might regret this decision someday, but I don't see why I would regret it. I know I am over exaggerating, but you would understand when this happens to you too. This is all I have to say.

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